We follow the model of Jesus…..


What is the God of
Life International

We are a Christian (Adventist Supporting) non-profit welfare, community service, and media ministry organization that is working to spread the Everlasting Gospel through gospel music, evangelism, and printed publications.

What is the God of
Life International

We are a Christian (Adventist Supporting) non-profit welfare, community service, and media ministry organization that is working to spread the Everlasting Gospel through gospel music, evangelism, and printed publications. We promote and spread the Word of God through media in audio and video format, and through printed material utilizing the local and ethnic languages of countries like Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. We believe it is very important to help people know Jesus as their personal savior and redeemer.

The apostle Paul exhorted the believers in Corinth. “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:51).


To share His LOVE and connect new people to Christ with LASTING memories.

Matthew 5:14-16 14 ″You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.


What makes us different?

Community centers

GoLIM had built Community Center at Azam Basti and was operative for 8 years and the place was on a rental basis. By the Grace of God GoLIM have built a new Community Center at Muhammad Kaj Goth, Khuda Ki Basti, Taiser town, Karachi. GoLIM Aims to build many Community Centers having education, medical, libraries, and other skill-building activities so that the local communities are benefited in different parts of Pakistan.

Data-driven approach

GoLIM management makes strategic decisions based on data analysis and interpretation which enables to examine and organize data with the goal of better serving the local churches and community needs.


GoLIM aims to support churches, pastors, laymen’s and local communities through providing Bibles, Spirit of Prophecy Books, Bible Story Sets, Religious Books, Publication of Books / pamphlets in Urdu language, support to churches for renovation, sound systems and to the families who are in need of financial assistance for medical and children’s education, ration during the pandemic situations and for youth activities.

What makes us different?

Charity is the act of extending love and kindness to others unconditionally, which is a conscious act but the decision is made by the heart, without expecting a reward. When Charity is carried out selflessly, it is a one-way act where a person gives but asks for nothing in return.
Charity is compassion to others whether consciously or unconsciously. Everyone has problems, troubles, and griefs of some sort in life but charity starts with those who learn to extend compassion, kindness, and love to help others. Hence some people set aside their own pains to relieve the pain of others.
As Jesus replies, “The King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” (Matthew 25:40). 
When everyone is giving to an effective charity, the size of our donation would directly correspond to the number of people we are able to help. We don’t have to be a billionaire to make a significant difference. Just as every drop in the ocean counts to form a vast water mass, even small donations have the potential to drastically improve an individual’s quality of life.
With the help of donors, we are making a huge impact in saving lives of the deserving and needy people.

Providing water for villagers

Providing education for poor children

Proving shoes for poor and needy children

Best Team

Meet our leadership team

Pr. Amjad Waryam


– President

“I love the kids we serve and when love is the motivation, there are no things that can’t be achieved.”

Pr. Solomon


– Vice President & Executive Secretary

“To be of benefit to all children who need the support of the greatest goal in my life.”

Prince Munawar

Admin (Come Associate Treasurer)

– President

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Elder Walyat Abdullah

Vice President-Pakistan Chapter

– Vice President & Executive Secretary

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Alex John

Media Director

– President

“When given an opportunity, deliver excellence and never quit.”

Become a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in become Volunteer a member of God Of Life Intl Pakistan. We are a Christian organization that is dedicated to sharing the love of God with others. We are  to committed providing our members with a supportive and encouraging environment where they can grow in their faith.